Every Cloud Drawback Has A Silver Lining
There are many clear benefits to using the cloud for business. The cloud can offer increased data storage to help store greater amounts of information, as well as being able to operate more powerful applications. Multiple users are able to access information on the cloud from a range of different devices, while working remotely from any location. On top of this, cloud servers offer increased security against cybercriminals.
Despite all of these benefits however, some business owners are still reluctant to move fully to the cloud. This is due to certain concerns ranging from the cost of the cloud to a lack of control.
As this post showcases, while the cloud may have certain drawbacks, these shouldn’t put off business owners. Why? Because every cloud drawback has a silver lining – while using the cloud may seem like it creates certain problems, many of these problems actually offer new solutions.
Cloud fees
While some cloud providers offer a certain amount of free space, it typically isn’t enough to run a business from – which means paying for a cloud plan. Some companies would much rather save money by storing files on a local server or hard drive. However, you need to remember what your money is going towards.
Cloud plans don’t just provide more space, but also increased data protection and the ability to access data from anywhere. Using the cloud could also save you money in many ways – being able to hire remote workers could give you the ability to hire a large team without having to pay for a large office.
The likes of these FinOps services can help you to manage cloud costs and keep them down. There are also many comparison sites that allow you to compare cloud plans.
Internet reliance
To access your files on the cloud, you do need to be connected to the internet. This means that if there is an internet outage, you could find yourself unable to access files.
Of course, the benefit of using the cloud is that you can connect to it via any internet connection from any location – so if the internet in your office is down, you may still be able to send employees home to work from there.
Moving to the cloud may also be the prompt your business needs to adopt a stronger and faster internet connection. This can be important for many different business tasks from conducting better quality voice/video calls to being able to download/upload files faster.
Lack of control
Some businesses don’t like the idea of having all their data stored off-site. What if a cloud server is damaged in a natural disaster? Or what if a server is hacked? These are problems that are out of your control once you store your data on the cloud.
Of course, it’s also important to remember that these same issues can happen if you store your data locally – your office may get destroyed in a flood or fire, or you may be burgled. While you can take precautions to prevent damage and theft, truly eliminating any threat will cost you a lot of money. Cloud servers pour much more money into protection against fire, floods and security breaches than most businesses can afford to spend. And if there is still an issue that leads to a loss of data, the responsibility is in their hands rather than yours – which means there is some potential for financial compensation.