How To Reassure Your Audience When You Get Rid Of The Office
There could be many reasons why a business chooses to sell its office space. However, even if you believe selling is a positive move for your company, your audience may not share your opinion.
Indeed, for employees, it can be a difficult message to convey. Typically, people expect a healthy business to expand. Therefore, when you get rid of your premises, your team is more likely to assume that the business is going bad.
But, employees aren’t the only ones who can misinterpret the situation. Your customers and partners could also come to the wrong conclusion. They might worry that you won’t be able to meet their needs.
In short, you can’t afford to send a quick email to your contact database without considering how the news will affect them. If you’re going to make the most of the situation, you need to avoid the panic response. Customers, employees, and partners who are let to believe that the company is struggling will inevitably look for alternatives elsewhere, and that elsewhere could be your competitors. So how do you get the message right?
Explain what you expect from the sale
The first thought that comes to mind when people discover you’re selling your premises is that the business needs money to survive. Therefore, it is essential to introduce the news along with a clear plan of what you expect to achieve with the sale. It can help prepare a report or a presentation that explains the reasoning behind the decision to put the office space on the market.
The global pandemic has forced many companies to introduce remote working arrangements. Perhaps, you’ve come to realize that your teams are more productive in a virtual office. Therefore, the sale is designed to drive capital for growth. You could show how you plan to invest profits into making remote work safe and comfortable for all.
Additionally, do make sure to display all steps related to the real estate process, including the agency’s name and online conveyancing strategies to maximize gains without compromising quality. It can also be helpful to organize an open discussion with your audience so they can have their questions answered ahead of the sale.
Have that talk with the team
You can’t break the news of making remote work permanent without understanding the challenges that employees might face with the situation. Many people embrace the advantages of remote work, but it can also be a tricky situation. For some professionals, the workplace is crucial to their socializing routine.
Therefore, a lot of people may feel isolated, lonely, or ignored in the home office. The sooner you prepare to tackle their fears and offer solutions to bring everyone on board, the easier it is to retain your staff.
Share the news with your customers
Your customers need to understand the positive impact of your decision. What can they gain from the situation?
- You offer a sustainable and environmentally-friendly business.
- Your remote business will stand out for its enhanced customer service: More communication channels and longer opening hours.
- You can support customers all around the world with a remote team.
In conclusion, how you break the news to your audience can dramatically affect their reaction. It’s crucial to be open about their fears and worries to make sure you can address these. While you want to focus on the positive, you also need to provide a clear and honest answer to all queries.
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