HR In The Age Of WFH
HR is an important element to any business, and you need to make sure that you are focusing on it as best as you can at all times. But if you are like one of the many businesses which have started to turn to work from home (WFH) solutions recently, then you need to make sure that you are still focusing on your HR as best as you can.
Even if you started adopting WFH protocols as a response to covid, it looks likely that it is going to continue for some time yet, and possibly change the face of future employment. Here is how you can carry on looking after your employees and ensuring the business is being run properly.
Keeping In Touch
The most important thing is that none of your employees feel that you have left them behind or that you are ignoring them. If you do find yourself starting to get out of touch with employees, this is something to rectify as soon as you can.
You need to find a way to keep in touch with employees, to check on how they are doing and make sure that they are still happy with their work. A simple phone call or a Zoom chat should be enough for this purpose.
Hiring The Right People
On the other side of the equation, it can be tricky to know whether you are hiring the right people when you have to do the whole process remotely. There is something about being able to interview someone face to face which just makes it so much easier to get a sense of them, so doing it over Zoom is definitely going to be a lot more difficult.
It might be time to start hiring people through credentials primarily, whether you are starting a webstore with My Business Venture or just taking an existing business online.
Maintaining Relationships
Ultimately, HR is really all about relationships – between the employer and employee, and between colleagues. You need to try and find a way to maintain those relationships as best as you can, as this is really going to help keep the business running in the way you would ideally hope.
You can do this again through using the right technologies, such as ensuring that you are supplying everyone with the means to stay in touch with one another – and also through having online social events from time to time.
They’re Still Your Employees
In all of this, the main idea is to try and bear in mind that these people are still your employees, and are still likely to want to be treated as such.
Don’t be tempted by the notion that you can simply leave them alone at home to get on with it; they need as much support as ever, and it’s vital that you are giving it to them as and when you need to.
As long as you do that, you should find that you are going to get more out of them and keep them happy.