Power Of Global Teams
From a strategic standpoint, the so-called “Power of global teams” derives from knowledge transference taken from experiential, structured learning aligned to global business competencies, in particular, those dealing with culture.
If the power of a global teams, fails it is not only a loss of new business opportunities and a damaged organisations reputations, but also weakened relationships with clients, suppliers and government officials.
Organisations need to keep a close eye on the operation of global teams, directing and coordinating and affirming that those activities within the teams are in conformance with head office policies and procedures. In doing so, the organisation takes a step toward the eventual competitiveness of the global team.
Writers such as Hill, Hofstede, Trompenaars have all focussed on the importance of looking at cross-cultural differences within a team, showing that the use of effective cross-cultural and mixed gender teams can provide a source of experience and innovative thinking to enhance the competitive advantage of an organisation.
Mobile Workforce
One reason for the changing nature of workers is the changing nature of the global work force.
The technical expertise of employees in countries across the globe has increased to the point where companies based elsewhere no longer need to spend time bringing a local work force “up to speed”.
Significantly, however, and in the wake of the ever-shifting dynamics of the global employment market, a universal trend seems to be emerging whereby companies are assuming cross-country management responsibility. And it is confirmed that 30.4% percent of the global workforce will be mobile by 2011 an IDC reports states.
Technology availability and reliability is one of the main factors that assist mobile workers.
So professionals involved in planning for strategic Human Resources need to find different scenarios to identify what the future may hold for their business and global power teams, whilst remaining flexible to political and economic impacts.
It is important to appreciate that an organisation, whether locally in a country or as a multinational, can only remain competitive with a strongly-built strategic international business strategy and people behind it.
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