Recruiting The Right Staff First Time Around
At some point or another, every business experiencing success is going to have to take on staff. Sure, you may be able to do a lot of your work yourself and you may have set your entire business up completely independently. But one person can only do so much. If you keep trying to do everything, your business could suffer.
Instead, lift a weight from your shoulders and accept that staff will be able to better distribute the company’s workload and their areas of expertise could really help to push your business forward.
Here are a few steps you should take to get the right individuals for the job right off the bat!
Advertise Vacant Positions Well
The first step you’re going to have to take is advertising positions that you need to fill. There are a number of ways to do this without breaking the bank. If you have a traditional brick and mortar store, you can simply put up a sign in the window. This will attract the attention of local potential candidates.
Generally, the best approach, however, is to go digital and use job websites and recruitment software. Job sites are checked regularly by individuals looking for work and recruitment software can find individuals with specialised skill sets. It can be niche – for example truck driver recruiting software.
Conducting Interviews
Once your job is advertised, CVs will begin to come in. You can sift through these to find the best candidates. But once you have a few potentials, it’s time to move to the next stage in the recruitment process – interviewing.
Conducting interviews gives you a great opportunity to meet applicants face to face and get a feel for their experience, their characters and whether they’ll fit in well with your team.
Making Offers
Once you’ve conducted interviews, it’s time to choose the person who best fits the role and who you want to offer the job to. You should send a congratulatory email or make a phone call to offer them the position. Never assume they will automatically accept.
This is the point where you will need to negotiate contracted hours, salary and other terms and conditions of the employment you’re offering. If they accept, great! You’ve filled your role! If not, it’s time to turn to your second-favourite candidate and offer the position to them.
Rejecting Individuals
Now, turn your mind to the individuals who you didn’t select. They’ve still taken out time and made an effort to apply for the role and meet you, so it’s only fair, polite and professional to let them know that they were unsuccessful on this occasion. You may want to request to keep their details on file in case future positions come up that you may think they’re suitable for.
Sure, hiring staff can be unchartered territory and could feel a daunting process to enter into. But you’re going to have to face it at some point or another, so it’s best to be prepared.
Hopefully, the above information will help to make the entire process as smooth and seamless as possible!
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