The Distributed Team
Teamwork makes the dream work, or so they say. But is that true of all teams? What if things just don’t quite gel? As a global community, we have never had this many tools at our disposal for communicating with people in far-flung places.
Managing a high-performing, now location-independent team can be quite a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be.
The Remote Work Index has come up with a distributed team profile for just this reason. The team there wants to show you that your business can flourish with the help of your office (now virtual team) by enabling your team leader to understand each member better, discover their strengths and gain insight into their own leadership style.
Getting Teamwork to make the Dream work!
Putting together an effective team can be a daunting task, even when the members are all in one location. While it’s not impossible to have a strong team of borderless workers, choosing this team should not be done at random.
- As an business owner, maybe you decided to put together a team of global experts.
- Or you’re an entrepreneur and you wanted a virtual team to help with development.
- Maybe you’re a start-up and wanted to keep overheads down by hiring a team of remote workers.

These are all great reasons for putting together a location-independent team, but you may have been disappointed to find out that they didn’t work so well together.
Individually, each worker is performing well, but together things just don’t seem to happen and now you’re asking yourself why 😉
The key is teaming up the right people in the right combination, and that is where your virtual team profile comes in.
This is a scientific framework which enables individuals, teams and organisations to identify how they make their impact and how they can change the game.
The Distributed Team Profile has been developed within this GC Index framework, specifically with your needs in mind, when assessing and developing the perfect remote team.
For a more in-depth explanation and the assessment you can read our article. In short, this assessment goes beyond the usual personality type and skills evaluation, and instead measures people’s preferred inclination to contribute to a specific project, role, or task.
Putting together a successful Virtual Team
Each member of your team completes a Remote Worker Profile assessment, led by a qualified GCologist, which identifies their specific profile.
Workers are classified as either Game Changers, Strategists, Implementers, Polishers or Playmakers.
These profiles help us (and you) to determine which team role they are most inclined to fill and where they can provide the most value.

In the feedback session, your GCologist will open a discussion about each member’s profile and how these profiles interact with each other.
This feedback session or virtual workshop is aimed at equipping your team with new knowledge about themselves and the other members, to showcase each individual’s strengths and provide insight into the team’s inner workings.
The team leader receives additional feedback on their personal leadership style. This helps the leader to understand how they lead and what actions to take to get the best out of their team.
The assessment will also point out any missing profiles in your team.
- Maybe you have a team of five game-changers – this is great if you’re running a think-tan, but they might struggle to see any ideas through.
- A well-balanced team is imperative if your team, and your business, is going to succeed.
- If you only have Polishers and Implementers on your team it might be time to hire a game-changer to bring in a fresh perspective.
The Distributed Team Profile assessment allows each member to appreciate their own and their team members’ strengths, resulting in better communication, stronger collaboration and an overall increase in productivity.
The Distributed Team Profile can be transformational for your business and get your team working together more effectively and efficiently. Overcoming the challenges of working remotely from all over the world is possible with the right tools.
The profile is uniquely equipped to give you the tools you need to manage your remote team effectively and lead them to success.
© New To HR