How Can You Get A School Transcript If An Institution Closes?
A school transcript is proof that you actually finished your degree and got the grades you needed to graduate.
What happens when you accidentally lose it and need it to apply to another school or even to get a job? This can clearly be an issue.
Getting a transcript from a school that has closed is difficult, but it is certainly possible.
If you need to learn how to order a new transcript or even a diploma copy from your previous school, keep reading and get schooled.
How to Get Your School Transcript After Your School Closes
When a school closes after you have already graduated, you probably won’t be impacted very much. Your degree is still valid and your transcript still counts.
You don’t lose your credits or credentials just because the school is no longer open.
If you happen to have lost your hard copy of the degree you earned, contact the school before it closes if possible. You can get a copy of the degree and this will serve as verification of your degree in the future.
It may seem like it’s impossible to get your transcript when the school is no longer operating, but that’s not the case at all.
You have the opportunity to get your transcripts using a transcript and enrollment service, like the National Student Clearinghouse. This service helps schools stay in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and the Higher Education Act (FERPA) and is a great resource for people that need transcripts.
Your records may be transferred to a different institution for storage, especially if the closing school is merging with another school.
You are entitled to your transcript and your state’s Department of Education can help figure out a way to give you access as well in many cases.
If it comes to it, you have the option to order realistic diplomas to replace the ones that you no longer have access to, especially if you have lost your real diploma.
Explaining the Situation in the Future
When you start to apply for further education or even jobs after your degree is completed, you need to identify your education history. This may be a little confusing if the school you attended closed.
You need to be able to explain and indicate on your resume that the former school is closed.
You can still provide information about the degree, major, university (now closed), and years you attended.
If your school has renamed itself, your degree still counts! It just means you will have to explain what happened and why your resume may say one thing while your degree may say another.
Getting Your Transcripts
Your school transcript can give you a lot of information about your time in school and what you were able to accomplish. When you lose it, it may be quite jarring, especially when you worked so hard to finish your degree.
If you need help getting a copy of your transcript or a diploma after a school closes, you should start working right away.
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