‘The Dog Ate My Homework’ And Other Excuses That Will Never Explain Why You’re Overworking Employees
Employee happiness and satisfaction are critical indicators to success. Sadly, these are goals that you’ll forever struggle to achieve if you fall into the all-too tempting trap of overworking your team. Let’s face it; if you continually pile on the pressure, even the best office decor isn’t going to get employees smiling.
That’s an issue, and it’s one that countless managers don’t even realize they’re making, or one that they otherwise excuse themselves from.
Rest easy, though, that if you’re making any of the following excuses, you’re heading down a slippery slope of over expectation.
# 1 – ‘It’s part of their job role’
Many managers use this to justify asking employees to do something that, most times, isn’t their job, and it can easily lead to the overwork you’re attempting to avoid.
Instead, maintaining a happy workforce means sticking to the duties you outlined in contracts.
So, before you pile on yet another weighty responsibility, return to that initial agreement. If sorting through client emails doesn’t appear, then you can bet you’ll be asking too much by suddenly expecting this task.
What’s more, this approach ensures you can find the individual who should actually be taking care of this.
# 2 – ‘Someone has to do it’
Many of us also convince ourselves that we keep piling on the work because ‘someone needs to do it’, so why not the employee in question?
This is especially the case with menial tasks, but it may not even be a relevant argument with automation, AI, and more on the horizon. By putting this excuse to the side and instead considering optimized process design that could take such tasks off everyone’s shoulders, you’re guaranteed to serve your employees much better. Failing that, remember that this is your business.
If there’s a loose job floating around that doesn’t fit within anyone else’s role, look to yourself first and foremost.
# 3 – ‘They’re happy to go the extra mile’
How often do you convince yourself that your team members are only staying behind because they’re happy to?
This is yet another of those things we tell ourselves, and, if overtime doesn’t arise often, it could even be true.
But, if you’re piling on the work every single day, the chances are that your team members stay because they need to, not out of any desire to help.
Far from being a sign of their commitment, this could, therefore, become the nail in your business coffin.
As such, you should always be sure to delegate and plan employee days so that everyone has time to complete the tasks they need to during standard office hours.
During busy periods, there may be no getting around overworking employees a little, and this isn’t a problem as long as you pay fairly for overtime. But, pushing your team all-year-round is terrible for mentality and is a sure recipe for burnout.
What’s more, as you can see from each of these debunked excuses, the chances are that it’s a route you needn’t take.
© New To HR