Why Entrepreneurs Need Help Sometimes
When we are doing our best to cultivate the image of self-sufficiency we may take it to the Nth degree. While it’s important to have self-sufficient employees and a business that’s autonomous in its approach, we have to remember that sometimes we entrepreneurs need help. After all, we can’t be good at everything. We have to remember that when we build up a business we can fall foul of our own internal conflict. We may think that we’ve got to be the very image of a self-starter.
This means that we don’t ask for help and try to conceal our weaknesses. But there are some very valid reasons for entrepreneurs to have help on occasion.
It Protects The Business
Whether it is using outsourced IT companies or getting additional help onboard we are preserving the business by getting extra help. One of the biggest problems we have within ourselves that we have to present the image of being all-knowing. And we might think that we are doing our business a disservice by not asking for help and therefore keeping it protected. But much like the person who holds onto their business and then struggles to delegate, they are stifling their company.
If you want to protect the business you’ve got to do right by what the company needs, not what you think it needs. If a company is having problems with regards to cyber attacks, outsourcing this to a company that knows more than we do will keep everything afloat.
It Forces You To Look In The Mirror
We might not think that we have major weaknesses but when we hit problems this is when we have got to start addressing our own perception of them. The fact of the matter is that every business will hit a speed bump. And when you start to look into the mirror and say openly you have problems and weaknesses, you aren’t taking yourself down a peg or two.
Instead, you’re actually opening yourself up to improvement. It makes you more likely to help yourself. If we play ignorant we will soon trip ourselves up. And if we play the part of someone who thinks they know it all, when we decide it’s time to ask for help, it’s unlikely we will get it.
It Makes You Appreciate What You’ve Got
A lot of people feel that they can’t ask a question for fear of it being stupid, especially those in leadership roles. When you know what you need help with, it helps you to understand the business from a better vantage point.
Once you begin to address specific weaknesses and fix them you can appreciate what your company has achieved so far.
Part of needing help is about telling ourselves that we are okay in asking for it. This could mean a lot of soul searching. Perhaps we need to start practicing gratitude and respecting ourselves enough to know that asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness.
Once you start to appreciate what you have and address what you don’t have, you’re helping the business which is much more important than you wanting to save face.
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