Neuroscience And The People-Centric Workplace
As technology becomes increasingly infused with the modern workplace, the need for adaptation within the business environment continues to grow. One philosophy that has been gaining ground in recent years is something referred to as the ‘people-centric workplace.’
What is a people-centric workplace, you ask?
This concept refers to a set of guiding and organizational principles within a company that effectively changes how a work environment operates. In plain speak, this means essentially that communication and harmony is given a greater priority and emphasis.
What is the big benefit of a people-centric workplace?
If you are used to a more top-down, command and control type of managerial practice, a people-centric philosophy may be something of a shock to your system. In this environment, employee engagement is high. Things such as moving decision making closer to where the work is taking place and greater employee autonomy are cornerstones of this radical, new philosophy.
The big benefit through this radical shift in the employee and employer relationship is that the employee, no matter big or small, feels integral to the entire process. Empowering employees through increased decision-making ability, autonomy and creativity leads to greater feelings of inclusion and respect. As such, employee productivity and happiness rises.
How can Neuroscience tie into all of this?
Neuroscience, that scientific field devoted to the study of the human nervous system and brain, has been making quite a bit of headway into areas once not relegated to much science at all.
For instance, did you know that employee motivational levels have a huge effect on productivity levels?
It almost goes without saying that in general, the more motivated and engaged the worker, the higher his or her output. However, managers and owners today remain rather steeped into an outdated managerial style that inhibits employee (and thus company) growth.
How can Neuroscience help produce a more people-centric workplace?
Neuroscientific studies in years recent past have shown a slew of data that show human emotions as “infectious.” Almost like a contagious disease, the moods and feelings of others can spread throughout the entire workplace.
This is especially so with respect to “toxic” and overbearing bosses. How a boss or manager relates to his or her staff has an enormous effect on the moods of employees, as well as their output, by spreading to others and breeding a “toxic” environment on the whole.
Managers and owners who understand and realize this can use their important role to slowly influence the company as a whole through reinforcing positive feelings and emotions.
One of the more interesting findings that neuroscience has shown is the emphasis on creativity. If you are a manager or business owner and you really want to improve efficiency, especially at the worker level, a great way to harness this is through greater employee delegation and creative autonomy.
Rather than dictating a specific chain of events from A to X that the employee must perform, give larger goals or milestones and allow the employee to use his or her creativity to come up with the most efficient and pragmatic way to get through the job.
The outlook of the future
As more and more companies begin to look at people-centric workplace philosophies, it is becoming increasingly important for organizations to look at trends in understanding how humans relate and interact with another, and apply these new ideas to the workplace.
In the end, it will only help you as a business owner or manager, in getting the best out of your employees.
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