The Careers That Can Suit Your Personality Traits
Were you one of those people that knew exactly what they wanted to do as a career and for their lives when you were at school? Not everyone has that sort of direction and decisiveness, and deciding on a career path to study or train towards can often be a hard decision to make at such a young age. There are people out there who don’t realise their true calling until they are in their twenties, thirties or beyond. Getting life experience and trying out different jobs along the way to see what they are best suited at.
However, many people don’t consider that their personality and traits they already ingrained in them could be a big indication as to what sort of career would suit them best. Perhaps right now you feel like you are at a crossroads and are unsure of what to do. Here are some common personality traits and interests teamed with ideal career options to consider. It may be just what you need to help you make that all important decision in your life.
Being outside
Maybe you are one of those people that enjoys being outside. Choosing Ona. Weekend to go hiking, walk your dog everyday or just generally feeling more at ease in the fresh air. There are so many jobs out there that involve you working outside. It could be that you like the idea of walking tours and showing people the area in which you live. It might be that looking for jobs in national parks is more your thing. Taking care of the national park, enabling customers to see it in all its glory. Jobs outside are not for everyone, as the weather and season can play a big part in the job role, but it could certainly be one for you to consider in the future.
Keeping active and fit
It could be that generally you like to take care of yourself. Perhaps heading to the gym, exercising regularly and being conscious of your diet and what you eat. There are so many career options that would suit you. It could be that you train to be a personal trainer, where you help people on different circuits or exercise regimes to improve their fitness and lifestyle. Maybe you focus on the diet side of things and specializes in nutrition. Some people who train as personal trainers go on to release their own plans and exercise regimes on a YouTube channel.
Having a caring nature
Some people are just naturally caring towards others. It isn’t that any of us are not as caring than someone else, but some people just have a nature and a way with people that enables them to care and do what is needed for someone else. If this sounds like you then a career in the health sector where you train as a nurse or a health professional could be the way forward. It might be that you want to work in a care home, help the elderly or work in a nursery with young children.
A head for numbers
For some people, you have a strong ability with the written word, but for others you have a head for numbers. If numbers are more your thing then perhaps you could consider using this to your advantage. A career in accounts could be the way forward, or even specialising in teaching anD focusing on the subject of maths. There are many careers that could help you when it comes to numbers, that it could be that you end up being spoilt for choice.
Wanting to make a difference
There are people out there who just want to make a difference in the world. If that sounds like you then you may want to think about using this to your advantage. It could be that you want to focus on politics, and making a difference in your local community. It may be that you want to make a difference in people’s lives, and this is where careers in the health sector, in teaching or for caring of people could be the way forward for you.
A chatty personality
Finally, if you have a chatty personality, and feel like you can talk to anyone, then perhaps a career focusing on this personality trait would be advised. This could open doors for you in any sort of sales arena, where you have to talk to people face to face or on the phone and potentially sell the product or service. It could be that generally a career in retail could be the way forward, where you get to help and talk to people all day, or a role in a customer service. Using your confidence in your career could be a great advantage for you.
Let’s hope this has given you the inspiration you need when it comes to a career change in the future.
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