Flooring 101 - what are the types #NewToHR

Flooring 101: What Are The Types?

When it comes to redecorating and refreshing the office for spring, there are a lot of decisions we need to make. We will want to decide on what colour to paint the walls, what sort of style we want and the accessories we plan to add to the space. One thing in particular that we need to look out for is flooring, and today we are looking at some of the different options you could choose for your home.


The most commonly used flooring type of all is the carpet, and this is a piece of fabric which we bring into the home to provide us with a soft surface to stand on. Carpets can be used in any room of the house pretty much, but they are always best used in the bedrooms and the living room. A carpet is good at locking in heat and providing a sense of comfort.

Polished Concrete

On the opposite end of the spectrum we have a flooring type which is simple and hard and cold. Polished concrete can be a stunning addition to the home and it is a material which works wonders for modern home interiors. If you are looking for a flooring type which creates space and a contemporary feel to the home then this is w great option.

Wooden floors

Wood flooring is one of the most popular choices for flooring of all and we can see why. Wooden floors come in all colours and shades and they work with any space in the home. A kitchen or a living area with wooden flooring can look stunning and it will be effortless to clean up. If you have pets this is always a great option because you can sweep up hair and muddy paw prints in no time.


For a luxurious look in the bathroom or the kitchen this year, there is nothing which works better than tiles. Tiles can come all all shapes and sizes and you can pretty much find any pattern. They are versatile and watertight meaning they are ideal for the bathroom and the kitchen, and you’ll get a stunning effect from them in any room of the home; and the bigger the tiles the more expensive they will look.


Vinyl flooring is a cheaper alternative to both wooden and tiled floors, and it can still provide you with a stunning effect for a fraction of the price. If you are looking to refresh your home but you are on a strict budget then this is the best option for you to choose and it will allow you to get that marble or wooden effect without splashing the cash.

Vinyl flooring is super versatile so you can pretty much add it to any room of the house, and the surface is soft and easy for you to keep clean. It can be a great choice for a first home where you are looking to refresh the space without investing too much money into the job.

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