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It is a well-known and well researched fact that healthy employees lead to a happier and more productive work place. Most company health programs offer their...

People don't like change. They never have and they, arguably, never will. Nowhere is this more poignant than with new software! You are trying to keep...

If your people department is lucky, it exists in a relatively stable environment where workforce planning only requires slight shifts every quarter as the company...

There is a difference between influence and leadership. Leadership involves being in a position of power and being able to lead people because of that position....

Every business has experienced issues when it comes to finding management individuals, who can take control of important aspects of day-to-day operations, manage other employees,...

Stimulating much-needed creative reform in the world of HR often benefits from bringing in useful ideas from outside the department, and finding out whether they...

As one of the newly emerged sections of business management, knowledge leaders represent the collective mind of the company, handling how communications occur and keeping...

SEO is a cost-effective strategy that can be used by your HR team to get very high returns on Internet advertising. It can be used in...

No matter how much people enjoy grouping things into people that are the same and people that are different, every individual carries with them experiences...